RDA und Dublin Core

Im FRBR blog wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die zurzeit entwickelten Katalogisierungsregeln Resource Description and Access (als Nachfolger der AACR) eng mit der Dublin Core Metadata Initiative zusammenarbeiten werden.



The meeting participants agreed that RDA and DCMI should work together to build on the existing work of both communities.

The participants recommend that the RDA Committee of Principals and DCMI seek funding for work to develop an RDA Application Profile — specifically that the following activities be undertaken:

  • development of an RDA Element Vocabulary
  • development of an RDA DC Application Profile based on FRBR and FRAD
  • disclosure of RDA Value Vocabularies using RDF/RDFS/SKOS


The benefits of this activity will be that:

  • the library community gets a metadata standard that is compatible with the Web Architecture and that is fully interoperable with other Semantic Web initiatives
  • the DCMI community gets a libraries application profile firmly based on the DCAM and FRBR (which will be a high profile exemplar for others to follow)
  • the Semantic Web community get a significant pool of well thought-out metadata terms to re-use
  • there is wider uptake of RDA

Alistair Miles was one of the people at the meeting, and in RDA: Resource Description and Access he says, “The main outcome of the meeting was a proposal to jointly develop a new Dublin Core Application Profile for libraries, based on the RDA and on FRBR. The profile would also be closely linked to the ePrints application profile developed in the UK for Intute. The ePrints AP is an example of how the Dublin Core community is moving beyond the “15 elements” towards providing a general framework to support rich and highly structured metadata, via the Dublin Core Abstract Model [latest draft].”

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