7th ISKO-Spain Conference

Vom 6.-8. Juli 2005 wird in Barcelona die 7. ISKO-Konferenz stattfinden. Das diesjährige Thema wird sein:
The human dimension of knowledge organisation
Mehr über die Tagung….

The focus of the 7th ISKO-Spain Conference is on orienting users of systems
applications of information organisation and retrieval in companies, public
administration, archives and document centres, portals or internet services,
databases and digital libraries.

Knowledge organization has traditionally been centred on representational
objects -texts, images and documents in general- or on computer systems that
facilitate information retrieval. It is ever more apparent that there is a
need to take into consideration the cognitive, physical, and affective
characteristics of different types of people when designing applications.
Currently, with the availability of personalized systems that facilitate the
interaction between persons and organisation systems, questions are being
such as:
-How to improve universal access to information?
-How to obtain maximum performance from the management of knowledge in
-How to incorporate users into the design cycles of knowledge organization
-How to respond to differences (social, cultural, etc.) of the users of

1 Response to “7th ISKO-Spain Conference”


    Suche großzügigen Sponsor, der mir Kongress- und Tagungsbesuche in aller Welt bezahlt. Bewerbungen bitte an Jakob Voß

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