“Say positive things in your review.” 12 Tipps für Peer Reviewer,

Many critical skills needed for becoming a successful academic are typically not taught in graduate school, at least not in any formal way. One of these is how to review journal articles. Few students coming out of graduate school have much experience reviewing papers, and yet, at least for those students continuing on in research, reviewing is a skill that will be increasingly critical as their careers develop. In fact, being a good reviewer can greatly help a career.

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(via Academic Productivity)

1 Response to ““Say positive things in your review.” 12 Tipps für Peer Reviewer,”

  1. [...] In Ergänzung zu den 12 Peer-Reviewing-Tipps hier ein Hinweis auf einen weiteren Aspekt dieses Themas. In ihrem Text An Incentive Solution to the Peer Review Problem in PLOS Biology überlegen Marc Hauser und Ernst Fehr, wie man mit säumigen Reviewern umgeht und sie zum rechtzeitigen Einreichen ihrer Begutachtungsergebnisse motivieren kann: Here’s a proposed solution to the problem that some individuals review swiftly and others, extremely slowly. Whenever a reviewer sends in a review, the date is logged, as is common practice. Next to the date the editor enters a positive or negative value that indicates the relative timeliness of the review: negative values for reviews arriving before the deadline, and positive values for those arriving afterwards. Reviewers that turn in their reviews late are punished, whereas those that arrive on time are rewarded. [...]

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